Write a Short and Quality Resume

Unlike some countries, including English-speaking countries, we have to write our CV on one page. Personal information already requiring a little space, as well as the interests and possibly the photo, it seems that there is little room to talk about his professional or academic experiences. Here are some tips to help you write a short and quality CV.

Limit experiences

If you started writing your CV a few years ago, you probably started by listing all your experiences to keep only the best. Since then, you have simply added a new experience in a few minutes, then another, without necessarily looking at the old ones. For the sake of space but also consistency, when you add an experience, you have to delete another one. The older one seems the obvious choice, because it may seem obsolete even if it is consistent with what you are currently doing.

In doubt, always focus on the relevant experiences with the job you are interested in. If you have had a recent experience but do not bring anything to your application, then it may be better to cite a somewhat older experience but in relation to the position.

Stay Concise

The employer is not interested in the full description of the last position you have held. However, he is interested in what you have accomplished. Go straight to the point by only citing the relevant tasks for the position you covet. The employer is looking to quickly put your finger on skills that you will need to highlight using succinct and talking keywords. Avoid phrases like “I have done a replacement for two weeks”, but be rather concise “2 weeks replacement” in order to save space and make the essential appear. In addition to this space gain, you will avoid a CV with tight and muffled paragraphs, filled with text and that do not give desire to be read.

Even if you want to say more, you will have time to develop your experiences during the interview. Also, to get this interview, you need to make the employer want to meet you and find out more about you. Nothing like that to put it in suspense than to suggest a successful experience without developing it in detail.

Be a seller

As we have just said, you must make the employer want to receive you. While he spends hours analyzing mountains of CVs, yours must seem obvious. The text pavers will surely end up directly in the trash after a long day while a short, airy and eye-catching CV is a real relief for him. Your CV is not the story of your experience but your entry ticket for a company. For all these reasons, you must sell yourself by drawing attention to a flawless, legible application and to the experiences reported with clarity and objectivity.

To summarize, your resume should not be overloaded but concise. Do not detail each of your experience but select the most relevant for the job you want and highlight the key aspects so that the employer wants to contact you to learn more about you.

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